What’s more, this object moved with absolute alacrity. However, when the craft suddenly changed direction and came towards their location, he would reevaluate this. He would insist the object was simply a commercial plane. She would call to her husband and pass the binoculars to him, asking if he thought it was a “flying saucer” much like her sister had claimed to see several years previously.īarney looked for several moments. As this craft passed in front of the moon, she could clearly see different colored lights, each flashing at different times across the exterior of this bizarre vehicle. She would almost let out a gasp when she witnessed an “odd-shaped” craft through their magnifying lenses. While Barney walked Delsey, Betty would grab a pair of binoculars from the car and examine the strange light in front and ahead. Realizing that their dog, Delsey, could likely use a little walk, he stopped the car near a picnic area at the base of Twin Mountain. She would persuade Barney to bring the vehicle to a stop, so she could take a closer look. However, when it moved vertically and then began to grow larger, she dismissed this notion. She reasoned that it must be a falling star or a comet. Barney, who was driving, continued on along US Route 3, leaving Betty to contemplate this strange aerial glow. First from below the moon and across what was Jupiter in the night sky. According to Betty, somewhere just south of the town of Lancaster, she noticed a strange “point of light” moving.

It was a little after 10:30 pm on the evening of the 19 th September 1961 when husband and wife, Barney and Betty Hill, were driving back to their home in Portsmouth, New Hampshire from Niagara Falls where they had enjoyed a vacation. 19 Betty And Barney Hill – Credible Through And Through!.18 Further Points Of Interest And Possible Connections.16 Alternative Explanations Don’t Hold Water?.15 The Start Of A Speculative Fuller Picture.
14 The Grey Alien – A Genuine First Encounter? Or A Memory Of A TV Show?.12 The Zeta Reticuli Connection And Marjorie Fish.8 Finding A Place Within The UFO Community.7 Intense, Frightening, And Revealing Dreams.3 They’re “Not Human” And “Are Going To Capture Us!”.2 It “Was A Plane That Was Not A Plane!”.